And, that day at jurong point, it was quite a big pool of mess. A mass of people. Because they had this programme where "cai shen ye" gives the predictions for the year up ahead and after which, give out angpaos with cash in it. So yup, which explained why so many people were there.
Took a photo of the "cai shen ye"
Oh, today i went to school to study in the library even though I don't have class today. Studied quite a lot of accounting today. Yay. effective studying is good. Hehs, like what my econs lecturer said, "it's good for health cos then you won't be so stressed later." Which is really really true!
And after that, I met up with mingxi for a while to eat. Then, we met shaun chen. haha. So being the braver one, I was the one who asked him to take photo with us. And he immediately agreed:) Whee!
Me with shaun! :):) 2nd photo is better!

And that's mingxi with shaun!