my liFe stoRy

Friday, May 20, 2011

2.5 months left before I fly
Going to US is a good opportunity for me to take awesome photos. Good thing I have my Nikon P500 ready but sadly, it's only a semi-pro. I want a Canon DSLR badly but it's so expensive I'll have to put the idea on hold. Whoever gets a Canon DSLR for me, I'll love you forever! HAHA, i know no one's gonna do that.
Anyway, I'll really be missing all the lovely and awesome friends here in Singapore.
Definitely will be friends-sick.
I'll miss the crazy friends whom I love so much.
I'll miss the food in Singapore.
I'll miss the lovely friends at
Yeah, I know I'm not going forever. But it's long enough to make me feel horrible that I won't be able to see the familiar faces for a good 5 months.