my liFe stoRy

Friday, October 22, 2010

I've been trying quite a lot of products over the past few years and not too long ago, I decided to try Spa Botanica's products. One of their facial products which I like would be their balance toner. I used to have only very rare pimples when I was in my secondary school days. However, in my junior college days and after, I experienced pimples quite often. Of course, stress is one of the partial reasons for it. But I think the more important thing was the facial products used. Other than cleansing, I realized that it's important to use toner and moisturizers. This particular toner from Spa Botanica totally suit my skin type and I would definitely encourage those of you who have oily T-zone and normal skin to use it too.

Honestly, I like the staff from Spa Botanica too. Their service is in tip-top condition. Anyway, you all can get the Spa Botanica products from the spa itself at Sentosa.
I suppose the only trouble would be travelling over to Sentosa to buy those stuff. Haha. But I really think it's worth it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Recently I've been reading many things online and I realize problem that is becoming rather obvious. Other than singlish posts from friends, be it on facebook, twitter, blogs, etc, which I think is perfectly fine, I found a rather startling problem among Singaporeans. That is, proper english spelling. In fact, the government has been constantly emphasizing on proper use of english, be it verbal or written.

Being a communications major, I feel rather strongly about this issue. I suppose the government can't really do much to alleviate this problem among adults. I feel that this relates to self-improvement. Companies should send employees who are weak in english for english courses so that they are able to improve themselves and at the same time, bring benefits to the company itself. Another option would be for individuals to refer to dictionaries when they are unsure about a certain spelling or how to structure their sentences properly. Being nonchalant towards english merely shows your incompetency in the language and in return, towards successful communication, which also means you simply don't care.

Monday, October 04, 2010

On saturday, 2nd October 2010, one day many Singaporeans would remember for the many many years to come. I received my biggest shock of the year, roughly a little more than a year after I was badly hit by my grandma's passing. This time, it's Madam Kwa Geok Choo's( Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's wife) passing. In fact, it was in the MRT when I received the news officially. At that moment, I felt everything around me blur and I would say I was in quite a state of shock. Almost burst out into tears but I held back a little, just tearing, because I was on public transport.

I felt a sense of loss. You might think, "Hey, she's not related to you in blood, why do you care so much?" "Why are you so affected? She's not even your grandmother." and many other statements I overheard people say. My most vivid memory of Mdm Kwa was during the Sentosa Flowers in 2008. Then, I was working as an event host at Sentosa during the annual Lunar New Year floral displays. One of the days, which was my most memorable, MM Lee and Mrs Lee came to visit. Accompanied by many bodyguards, they toured the whole exhibition. When they passed my exhibit, both Mr and Mrs Lee smiled at me. And I particularly remember the warm smile of Mrs Lee, one of much sincerity and zest even though she had to go around in a wheelchair.

To me, she's one of my most respected and loved female figures in the political arena. Although not directly involved in politics itself, she's been playing an important role since Singapore's tough times in the past. If not for her, I would dare say that women in Singapore may not be as equalized to men as they are now. What would it be like if she didn't agree to doing the broadcast that time? What if she wasn't by MM Lee's side, showing undying love and support throughout the years? Would Singapore be the same? I would say a definite no. I do not mean that MM Lee wouldn't be as competent. I strongly believe that MM Lee is by far the most competent political figure in Singapore and has been a crucial figure in building Singapore up from ruins after the dreaded war. However, at the same time, I believe that it is Mrs Lee who played an "invisible" role, away from the public in her little actions, working side by side, helping MM Lee. Me, being one who is a strong believer of equality of males and females, is inspired by Mrs Lee.

Not forgetting, for many years now, I've always thought of Mr and Mrs Lee as one of the best couples ever. They're really a role model couple, one whose longlasting love, wit and humor really captivates me.

Today, while I was at the Istana, I had to hold back my tears strongly. Didn't want to break down so badly, especially when so many reporters were there. I managed to get a short glance of her from a short distance away from the coffin. Bowed in respect and love for Singapore's mother. Mrs Lee, we will always love you and you, will always remain in our hearts.

Later in the night, as Channel NewsAsia reported about MM Lee at the Istana, as they showed the video of him looking on with immeasurable sadness at the photo and the coffin, I totally broke down. Tears just flowed uncontrollably. It was so heartwrenching. :(
My dear MM, do hang in there! Remember, you have our support and love no matter what.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Recently I read one of my friends' blog. Goodness gracious, japan is quite nice! Stole 2 photos from her blog, hope she doesn't mind me posting them on my blog. hahaha so must give credit.

Photo Credits: Jayne

Streets of Japan. Ain't the streets pretty at night? I suppose night shopping would be nice, probably like what I experienced in Korea years ago, but of course a more expensive version of that.

Temples in japan. The architecture is so well-designed! I really want to go there to visit the temples.