Yesterday's Star Search Semi-finals was filled with laughter! In my opinion, it's all thanks to 3 artistes in particular, who spiced up the whole competition! I feel that it's these 3 who really helped some of the contestants show their potential because of the humor they brought to the audience.
Of course, a few of the contestants were really not bad!
There's Michelle Chong!
There's Pat Mok!

And of course, my favourite, Aunty Lucy!

I'm really really so proud of "her"!
Seeing how Aunty Lucy first appeared in Paris and Milan on Ch8, to now, it just makes me so happy to see how popular "she" is now and to hear so many people cheer for "her" now, it warms my heart.
Chong Qing, you're the best! No matter what(aunty or no aunty :P), no matter when, there'll always be the few of us behind you quietly(ok, sometimes loudly :P) cheering you on and supporting you through happy and tough times. LOVE YOU!

Photo credits: xinmsn
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