my liFe stoRy

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's such a torment trying to be rid of that couple of pimples on my face. Seems rooted in my face for well the past 2 days and though getting better, it's still there. Shoo before chinese new year alright? :P
In my opinion, I've been relaxing a bit too much for comfort for the week. Ok, it means next week I'll have to study even more before I go on a "relaxing cum spending spree" just a week before cny. POA and IBM are the ones screaming out to me. And it's a lot to cover too. I know I can do it!
And I haven't been exercising much for the past month. Seriously, skipping ballet for the coming term doesn't sound like a great idea to my body, though I'll still be keeping up with the stretching and jumping at home. I guess, for the sake of my exams in may, it's worth the while. I'll definitely make it worth the while that is.
Another thing. After the cny, I cannot spend so much already. I need to start saving again. output without input is kind of scary. And shopping is kind of addictive. So for the sake of spending after my exams, I officially announce that I'll be saving from february till end of may. Sounds absolutely fantastic, doesn't it. I believe I'll be able to keep to it. Haha, cause I'll be so busy studying so no time to spend it anyway.
I just read my times magazine. American politics is absolutely interesting. Gosh. I wonder why the sudden gush of liking towards the political world issues. Haha. I haven't the slightest idea. I guess it's the way times authors write their stories.


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