I realised I haven't blogged for like so so long. tsktsk. n people are bugging me to update. haha.
Recently been through quite a lot of stuff. Results came out. I was super disappointed. Don't really wanna talk about it. Applied for several universities but I have totally no idea if they'll even accept me. Sighs. I talked to quite a number of ppl about it. I have the passion for veterinary science and zoology but why must it only be offered overseas? Why can't we have the course here in singapore? That has been my lifelong passion. I heard that singapore's gonna introduce a similar animal related course in year 2010 but it's not confirmed yet.
Anyways on a lighter note, I've been working at sentosa for the past 3 weeks, almost everyday =)
Ok, maybe many people wouldn't know, i'm working there as attraction host. at MERLION! =)=) Come find me if you people are free k? And, I've been working at songs of the sea also. Anyways, working at sentosa makes me happy cos of all the people working with me ;) they're absolutely fun ppl to be around.
Reminds me, we did housekeeping at merlion on 25th march. OMG. the amount of dust there is just unimaginable. layers n layers. haha. DUSTBALLS.

last thurs, kuinoi went for interview at sentosa. still don't know if she's accepted or not. Before her interview she dragged me to the beach with her to tan, ok I was in the shade while she was under the burning sun. N on that day, I asked junwu to come sentosa accompany me. We were roaming around rather aimlessly while kui noi was at interview. I like jw's camera! wa lau, damn ex la. 1000+ leh. he was taking photos of everything he saw. n we saw a couple taking wedding photos by the tree near the golf course. After that, we went to find hwei sie at beach station and I left them for work.
Met up with junwu and amanda for lunch last fri. ate at superdog at vivo. After that, I went for staff meeting. Wahsehh, they made me do a pirouette(a ballet turn) just because I said my hobby is ballet. arghs. but it was ok la.