today's a great day! hahahs, a purely council GIRLS outing..though not everyone turned up due to certain reasons. But still it was quite a fruitful one..
In the morning, I went by myself to get my flu innoculation jab. Didn't hurt at all :) N the doctor was super super friendly n nice! hahs, next time i need jab again i'll look for her :)
Anyways, after that, i went to school to meet germaine n clara n emma.. hehehee... to do something secret!! shhhhhhhh.... SECRET..cannot tell lah.. no use poking ur ears into it. u won't squeeze it out of me. :P
Then we went out.. Me, Germaine, Ashley, Clara n Emma!! yays! 5 of us went on the train n started debating where to eat. super duper funny lah!!! cos emma dun exactly fancy asian food. so wasn't very keen on going seoul gardens which ashley wanted... so we each named a place n played a silly game to see where to eat. then I WON! hahas, i named newyork newyork. hmm.. but ashley n clara really wanted seoul gardens.. so we went there lor. I din mind.. :)
Then there... wah hahs!! had the funniest time manx!! Firstly, we found out that EMMA had a PHOBIA of the bbq-ing pan thing.. n she tried to cook only 1 piece of food!! ahahhas.. can laugh until i die manx.. i ate quite a lot! n me n clara peeled some prawns for the others.. emma dunoe how to peel prawn too!!! aahahs
Halfway through eating, when oni left mi n germ n clara at the table, clara said "too bad ALEX doesn't wat prawns!" OMG.. hahas, mi n germ swear we'll write it down in our blogs! ahhas, here it is. u all can just interpret from there. :P
Then emma is ENOKI!!!! wahhahahs, mushroom.. hehheeeex EVIL sia..!!
hmmx.. then we went cineleisure cos we wanted to take neoprints n emma immediately made a remark, " so how much will it cost again?" haahahs, cos seoul gardens already cost her like $10? then adding on her blister plasters, which was more expensive than seoul gardens. then after that still got neoprints. hahahs, all of us burst out laughing lah.. wahhas!! funny lah.. HEHHEE, we really had a good time today though.. :D
In the morning, I went by myself to get my flu innoculation jab. Didn't hurt at all :) N the doctor was super super friendly n nice! hahs, next time i need jab again i'll look for her :)
Anyways, after that, i went to school to meet germaine n clara n emma.. hehehee... to do something secret!! shhhhhhhh.... SECRET..cannot tell lah.. no use poking ur ears into it. u won't squeeze it out of me. :P
Then we went out.. Me, Germaine, Ashley, Clara n Emma!! yays! 5 of us went on the train n started debating where to eat. super duper funny lah!!! cos emma dun exactly fancy asian food. so wasn't very keen on going seoul gardens which ashley wanted... so we each named a place n played a silly game to see where to eat. then I WON! hahas, i named newyork newyork. hmm.. but ashley n clara really wanted seoul gardens.. so we went there lor. I din mind.. :)
Then there... wah hahs!! had the funniest time manx!! Firstly, we found out that EMMA had a PHOBIA of the bbq-ing pan thing.. n she tried to cook only 1 piece of food!! ahahhas.. can laugh until i die manx.. i ate quite a lot! n me n clara peeled some prawns for the others.. emma dunoe how to peel prawn too!!! aahahs
Halfway through eating, when oni left mi n germ n clara at the table, clara said "too bad ALEX doesn't wat prawns!" OMG.. hahas, mi n germ swear we'll write it down in our blogs! ahhas, here it is. u all can just interpret from there. :P
Then emma is ENOKI!!!! wahhahahs, mushroom.. hehheeeex EVIL sia..!!
hmmx.. then we went cineleisure cos we wanted to take neoprints n emma immediately made a remark, " so how much will it cost again?" haahahs, cos seoul gardens already cost her like $10? then adding on her blister plasters, which was more expensive than seoul gardens. then after that still got neoprints. hahahs, all of us burst out laughing lah.. wahhas!! funny lah.. HEHHEE, we really had a good time today though.. :D