I've been so busy recently with school, squeezing time to work out and left with almost no time for my friends, except for the occasional short meetups. Not to mention, I'm still in the midst of preparing for my stay in US. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Less than a month before I fly. Am so excited I'm going to be in the States for near half a year! I know it's going to be awesome.
I've been so busy recently with school, squeezing time to work out and left with almost no time for my friends, except for the occasional short meetups. Not to mention, I'm still in the midst of preparing for my stay in US. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
I've been so busy recently with school, squeezing time to work out and left with almost no time for my friends, except for the occasional short meetups. Not to mention, I'm still in the midst of preparing for my stay in US. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Friday, May 20, 2011
2.5 months left before I fly
Going to US is a good opportunity for me to take awesome photos. Good thing I have my Nikon P500 ready but sadly, it's only a semi-pro. I want a Canon DSLR badly but it's so expensive I'll have to put the idea on hold. Whoever gets a Canon DSLR for me, I'll love you forever! HAHA, i know no one's gonna do that.
Anyway, I'll really be missing all the lovely and awesome friends here in Singapore.
Definitely will be friends-sick.
I'll miss the crazy friends whom I love so much.
I'll miss the food in Singapore.
I'll miss the lovely friends at H.om.
Yeah, I know I'm not going forever. But it's long enough to make me feel horrible that I won't be able to see the familiar faces for a good 5 months.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
You know, I'm really glad I made the decision to start hot yoga this year. Everything feels so much better. Things that seemingly cannot be solved earlier seems more possible now. I feel healthier and my mind's much clearer now. It seems like I am now able to control my frustration towards things much better, especially that towards my parents, who are rather not understanding and such most of the time, mainly because of their conservative thinking.
Well, of course I must also thank my close friends who have been standing strong with me, especially the past year when I was 21. Today's my birthday and sort of marks something different. Yes, I am still me, as jovious as I were and as emotional as I were before, but I can understand many things better now. My year as a 21 year old was indeed tough to say the least, but I'm so so thankful there were the few of you who despite all the crap I complained to you guys about, and all the unreasonable demands made by my parents regarding certain issues...you guys were the ones who stood by me and never even complained about that. Really very very touched. Love you guys for what you are because you loved me for what I am.
Well, of course I must also thank my close friends who have been standing strong with me, especially the past year when I was 21. Today's my birthday and sort of marks something different. Yes, I am still me, as jovious as I were and as emotional as I were before, but I can understand many things better now. My year as a 21 year old was indeed tough to say the least, but I'm so so thankful there were the few of you who despite all the crap I complained to you guys about, and all the unreasonable demands made by my parents regarding certain issues...you guys were the ones who stood by me and never even complained about that. Really very very touched. Love you guys for what you are because you loved me for what I am.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Life is fragile
Although this happened last year, I still can't really believe it.
I haven't really had time to stop and think about this. Well, I knew a schoolmate from my secondary school days. We have never been in the same class, nor were we good friends. We merely knew the existence of one another. I remember not exactly having a good impression of her lifestyle. From sec school days, as I heard from her classmates, she was always drinking and wearing skimpy clothes at bars when she was still considered underaged.
After graduation, I haven't seen her ever since. I found out 1-2 years later that she got pregnant. She was a single mother, but I believe she played her part while she was still around. Just last year, I heard news from friends that she just ended her life. Just like that.
I really have no idea what exactly happened, but I feel so sad for her. Even though we were mere acquaintances... Seeing her post her and her daughter's photo on facebook just a day before it happened, I just felt that life is so unexpected. I suppose the stress must have been too much for her to bear.
Rest in Peace. Hope everything's well for you wherever you are now.
Although this happened last year, I still can't really believe it.
I haven't really had time to stop and think about this. Well, I knew a schoolmate from my secondary school days. We have never been in the same class, nor were we good friends. We merely knew the existence of one another. I remember not exactly having a good impression of her lifestyle. From sec school days, as I heard from her classmates, she was always drinking and wearing skimpy clothes at bars when she was still considered underaged.
After graduation, I haven't seen her ever since. I found out 1-2 years later that she got pregnant. She was a single mother, but I believe she played her part while she was still around. Just last year, I heard news from friends that she just ended her life. Just like that.
I really have no idea what exactly happened, but I feel so sad for her. Even though we were mere acquaintances... Seeing her post her and her daughter's photo on facebook just a day before it happened, I just felt that life is so unexpected. I suppose the stress must have been too much for her to bear.
Rest in Peace. Hope everything's well for you wherever you are now.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The year's coming to an end. Year 2010 has been good to me in many ways and bad in some ways.
As my closest friends would know, 2009 was a rather unpleasant year for me though good things/opportunities happened too. But anyway, using unpleasant is really an understatement. Grandmother passed away that year. Emotions were fully filled to the brim. Nothing could ever make me forget.
2010 brought me some new beginnings. Some special people stepped into my life, with some other old friends staying close to me. Though I'm still as emotional as can be, I'm so thankful that these few groups of people stood by me.
My dear UOL friends. YQ, WL, PY, ALI, MJ, MY, YJ. Glad that I got to know you girls since my UOL times. Though I've changed my degree to one from UB, I'm still keeping in contact with this group of girlies! They're damn fun to be with! If any of you happen to be reading my blog, thanks for not forgetting me although I switched uni. And also thanks for tolerating all my nonsense! HAHA, I must admit I'm really crazy and had a lot of fun times with u all this year! Love you girls so much!! :)
Another group of friends which I got to know last yr, but only start meeting this yr. This group of friends really brought me much much laughter and tears literally. Glad that you all stepped into my life and accompanied my through my 21st year on earth! CK, PQ, MY, YR, D. Though out of my groups of close friends, you all know me for the shortest period of time, you all saw the most of me. My crazy laughter, my emotional moments, my complaints of parents' naggings and hopelessness, my really unglam and weak side. Haha, I'll not go into details here since it's just exclusive to us and I don't want others to know anyway. I really don't know how u guys tolerate all these and still show me so much understanding. As I type this, all the flashbacks go through my mind and I can't help but cry. Damn touched by you people. I really don't know how to thank you guys enough for everything. Love you all so much!
And of course, I wouldn't forget my good friends from sec sch and 1 from pri sch. MX, MX, YL, HM, SY, QY. haha. Love you people too. We really meet up too little, but u know, whenever we meet, it's like we've not separated from each other, talking about all sorts of things. And I realize we're all in different schools now! See how special it is? No awkwardness though we don't meet up often!
Hope Year 2011 will bring me much much more happy and memorable times. I strongly believe it will.
As my closest friends would know, 2009 was a rather unpleasant year for me though good things/opportunities happened too. But anyway, using unpleasant is really an understatement. Grandmother passed away that year. Emotions were fully filled to the brim. Nothing could ever make me forget.
2010 brought me some new beginnings. Some special people stepped into my life, with some other old friends staying close to me. Though I'm still as emotional as can be, I'm so thankful that these few groups of people stood by me.
My dear UOL friends. YQ, WL, PY, ALI, MJ, MY, YJ. Glad that I got to know you girls since my UOL times. Though I've changed my degree to one from UB, I'm still keeping in contact with this group of girlies! They're damn fun to be with! If any of you happen to be reading my blog, thanks for not forgetting me although I switched uni. And also thanks for tolerating all my nonsense! HAHA, I must admit I'm really crazy and had a lot of fun times with u all this year! Love you girls so much!! :)
Another group of friends which I got to know last yr, but only start meeting this yr. This group of friends really brought me much much laughter and tears literally. Glad that you all stepped into my life and accompanied my through my 21st year on earth! CK, PQ, MY, YR, D. Though out of my groups of close friends, you all know me for the shortest period of time, you all saw the most of me. My crazy laughter, my emotional moments, my complaints of parents' naggings and hopelessness, my really unglam and weak side. Haha, I'll not go into details here since it's just exclusive to us and I don't want others to know anyway. I really don't know how u guys tolerate all these and still show me so much understanding. As I type this, all the flashbacks go through my mind and I can't help but cry. Damn touched by you people. I really don't know how to thank you guys enough for everything. Love you all so much!
And of course, I wouldn't forget my good friends from sec sch and 1 from pri sch. MX, MX, YL, HM, SY, QY. haha. Love you people too. We really meet up too little, but u know, whenever we meet, it's like we've not separated from each other, talking about all sorts of things. And I realize we're all in different schools now! See how special it is? No awkwardness though we don't meet up often!
Hope Year 2011 will bring me much much more happy and memorable times. I strongly believe it will.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Happy Boxing Day everyone!
I attended the gala premiere for "The Ghosts Must Be Crazy" the other day and I must really say I enjoyed the film quite a bit! HOR-MEDY is indeed used aptly!
If you haven't been able to catch the sneek previews for the past 2 nights, do hurry down to the cinemas to catch it tonight! You'll definitely be laughing your lungs out!
Show your support to the crew who worked day and night for the film! :)
I attended the gala premiere for "The Ghosts Must Be Crazy" the other day and I must really say I enjoyed the film quite a bit! HOR-MEDY is indeed used aptly!
If you haven't been able to catch the sneek previews for the past 2 nights, do hurry down to the cinemas to catch it tonight! You'll definitely be laughing your lungs out!
Show your support to the crew who worked day and night for the film! :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tsk. Some people are unthinkable.
I have this acquaintance from primary school. We were in the same CCA. She was rather aloof and cold when I tried to be friendly and nice to her then. After so many years of not seeing one another, she tried to add me as friend on facebook. If you chose not to be my friend then, what makes you think I will choose to be your friend now? And what gives you the right to want to snoop around my life now since you gave me the disgustingly black face and childishly bad attitude then?
I have my own life, and luckily, away from yours. And I have my own circle of friends whom I cherish with all my heart. So please, shoo! Don't come snooping into my life. Thanks.
I have this acquaintance from primary school. We were in the same CCA. She was rather aloof and cold when I tried to be friendly and nice to her then. After so many years of not seeing one another, she tried to add me as friend on facebook. If you chose not to be my friend then, what makes you think I will choose to be your friend now? And what gives you the right to want to snoop around my life now since you gave me the disgustingly black face and childishly bad attitude then?
I have my own life, and luckily, away from yours. And I have my own circle of friends whom I cherish with all my heart. So please, shoo! Don't come snooping into my life. Thanks.
Sunday, November 28, 2010

You know, I used to not be a great fan of Harry Potter but now I think otherwise. Honestly, I've only watched The Chamber of Secrets and The Deathly Hallows P1 so far. But now I want to watch all of it!
You must be thinking what prodded me into this decision. Well, it's because of my favourite character in harry potter! Most would name Harry, Ron, Hermoine, Dumbledore or even Lord Voldermort.
But, my personal favourite is Dobby, the house elf! Love him to bits! He's so cute and loyal!
After watching The Deathly Hallows Part 1, I felt so emotional when I saw him die. Yes, I didn't read the book so I did not see it coming. Ok, but i did remember seeing my friends tweet about it. My tears just flowed uncontrollably. If there were any house elves in real life, I really wouldn't mind having Dobby as my friend. It's disgusting how the evil forces use their power with much stupidity and harming creatures which mean no harm to them in the series.

“Dobby didn’t mean to kill anyone. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure.”
On a side note, I even dreamt of Dobby. Really love love love that cute little creature! It's horrible he died in part 1. urgh!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Yesterday's Star Search Semi-finals was filled with laughter! In my opinion, it's all thanks to 3 artistes in particular, who spiced up the whole competition! I feel that it's these 3 who really helped some of the contestants show their potential because of the humor they brought to the audience.
Of course, a few of the contestants were really not bad!
There's Michelle Chong!
There's Pat Mok!

And of course, my favourite, Aunty Lucy!

I'm really really so proud of "her"!
Seeing how Aunty Lucy first appeared in Paris and Milan on Ch8, to now, it just makes me so happy to see how popular "she" is now and to hear so many people cheer for "her" now, it warms my heart.
Chong Qing, you're the best! No matter what(aunty or no aunty :P), no matter when, there'll always be the few of us behind you quietly(ok, sometimes loudly :P) cheering you on and supporting you through happy and tough times. LOVE YOU!

Photo credits: xinmsn
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I have no idea why I don't seem to have time to blog. And that I've been busy. Schoolwork, loads of it. But the strange thing is I seem to be busier now that I'm taking 3 modules than when I was taking 6 modules and busy with outside stuff also. Really strange.
Anyway, will be looking forward to the holidays. Hope by then I'll stash up enough secret money away from my mum's sight to buy some stuff. lol. hehee.
Will update again soon with more interesting posts once this gruelling sem comes to an end!
Anyway, will be looking forward to the holidays. Hope by then I'll stash up enough secret money away from my mum's sight to buy some stuff. lol. hehee.
Will update again soon with more interesting posts once this gruelling sem comes to an end!