my liFe stoRy

Monday, March 02, 2009

What is courage?

In my opinion, it is when you are willing to step out of your comfort zone to do something which seem impossible or which you previously feared. Isn't it really great when you finally achieve or even decide to try something which you have never dared to do? I genuinely think so.
It's not the praises that are showered upon you by your family, relatives and friends that make it worth. It's the sense of self-achievement that really make it worth the while. You'll definitely go, "I finally did it!" not forgetting, a punch in the air, or maybe, tears of joy.
It's not something bestowed upon everyone, which makes it so special.

And how about the courage of seeking dreams? For me, I really wouldn't want to do something that really isn't what I want in future. I know my path. And I will try my best to seek it.
I've made my decision and I will go all out for it. No regrets. I've pondered on for just a tad too long. But I'm glad I finally found the courage to.

How about you?


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