my liFe stoRy

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Prelims are officially over for me! Alright, ibm wasn't as bad as I thought. At least I could still generate out some points, though not 100% confirmed but still, it wasn't that bad. That's all I can say.

Well well. prelims are over. So it spells the time to get my brain focused on the re-applications. I really really really want to get into communications in either nus or ntu. Someone from the admissions there, please alleviate my suffering and accept me in. It would be heaven to get in. Of course, it'll take me a step closer to my future career too:) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I'll do my very very very best when I'm in!

Haha, currently I'm thinking of what to write for the extra part. hmm. must be something good enough to let me get in there!

Oh and I need to save money to go for the SMA 1 day course I just applied for! haha. I will definitely save up enough to pay before the course! Though it's of quite a crazy amount I admit. But I must go for it. To boost my application and plus it's my interest.


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