my liFe stoRy

Sunday, August 02, 2009

I still can't upload photos because blogger is still facing problems.
It's ok. Forget it.

I enjoyed myself yesterday. Courtesy of my mum's boss, I had 2 NDP Preview tickets! I went with doreen(my aunt). Woohoo! This year's performance is better than last year's. Seriously.
It's been years since I had the chance to attend NDP. This year's choreography for most of the performances were really good. I especially enjoyed the one with the terror attack at marina, the gymnastics and the little red dots performance. And of course, I loved the marching and the march past.

The singing of the national anthem this year was touching. I had reflections, flashbacks about singapore and the people. As I sang the national anthem and watched the flag fly past us, tears welled up in my eyes. It was an undescribable feeling.
That is why I've always longed to perform for NDP or to be in the planning committee.
I believe I'll have the chance to do so in future.
As for now, for the next 2 plus years, I need to finish up my studies well, do extremely well. Yes.
And then when I step out into the workforce, I'll probably get a job that will either give me enough time to perform every year, or even better, to be in the NDP planning committee. Won't be that hard to get a job like that I think, because I'm planning to go into media and arts. Maybe MDA or Mediacorp or PA or government associations. Or jumping about these few companies will be nice too.
Actually, I had originally wanted to join the singapore military but as you my friend would probably know, I don't enjoy having to be one of the only females hanging out with all males most of the time although there are many extremely handsome looking guys in there.

Personally, I liked the hosts this year a lot too! There's Mark Lee, Gurmit Singh, Michelle Chong, Suhaimi and Vernetta Lopez! They were absolutely entertaining and hyped. :) Here's a toast to you guys!!

Maybe I'll just upload the photos on facebook since blogger refuses to troubleshoot it's problem.


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