I'm worried about so many things.
Have you wondered whether you should have done this and that?
But I believe everything will turn out alright.
Chasing my dreams ain't easy at all.
But I know I must try.
Yes, I'm trying.
And I'm trying to get enough good karma. Haaha:)
Hopefully I'll be able to taste the fruits of my labour soon.
Recently I've been taking comfort in listening to certain radio stations and watching the television. Seriously, it does help. Calms the senses.
It just rained moments ago and now the sun's out. Rain's gone. :):)
When will I receive the replies?? I WANT GOOD NEWS! yes, i want nothing but good news. Will it come true? I surely hope it does. Don't leave me in nothingness please.
Oh, over the past week, I've been attending the uk lectures. Not bad really! But the burdensome exams are coming up soon. It's scary. I want to do very well. I'm not someone who merely wants well, I want it to turn out very very well.
How I wish all that I planned will come out in a perfect picture!
I'm praying hard. And yes, getting good karma by helping the needy.
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